Appleby-in-Westmorland Methodist Church

Service Time: 10:30am

Parking: Car Park

Disabled Access: Yes

Accessible Toilet: Yes

Hearing Loop: Yes

Available for Hire: Yes

Church Built: 1904

Members: 36

Circuit Section: Appleby

Licensed for Marriages: Yes

sands methodist church appleby

"The historic market town in the beautiful Eden Valley makes an excellent centre for exploring and enjoying the scenery"

How to find us

The Sands



CA16 6XR


Minister: Rev Andrew Sterling

Church Stewards:

Alistair Kirkpatrick

Maureen Ewin

Anne Bell


Linda Taylor


Richard McGregor

Contact for Notices:

Hazel Mullen

Contact for Youth Work:

Andrew Sterling

Church Bookings:

Gordon Sandercock

Appleby-in-Westmorland Methodist Church

Our churches are not just 'open for worship' on Sundays; we have many other events going on.

appleby sands methodist church
KSAT Methodist Circuit
sands methodist church appleby
KSAT Methodist Circuit
KSAT Methodist Circuit
KSAT Methodist Circuit
KSAT Methodist Circuit
KSAT Methodist Circuit
Easter Sunrise Service Brant Howe CTog Orton & Appleby 2024
christmas tree